Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Photo-Op!!

I am stillwaiting for my D day i.e. 20th July...Well the surprise tests here have started and as expected i am fairing badly at them :( but have to take that for the timebeing. Well to top it all have also started bunking lectures ;P

Yesterday we havehad 3 hours photo session... one group and one individual pic of allfor updating the NITIE website... and it was all fun... Navy BlueBlazers were compulsory and only 3 of us had it so the big hunt beganand in an hour all of managed to get hold of one from our benevolentseniors... then started the best fit challenge..ppl trying andexchanging them to get the one that fits them the best but in theprocess a few were doomed to suffer ;) And yeah the gals were supposedto wear sarees and God they took an hour to change into a Saree...Isit that time consuming?? or that the art of wearing a saree is gettinglost so everytime its a first time for girlzz :)Finally the entire batch of wud be managers were ready and it wastime for the final take of the group pic at a location which wasfinalised after a lot of delibration... three takes and the groupphotograph was done. Then started the agonizing queue for individualpics and i as usual have to wait for my turn till eternity coz my rollcall is 72 (since my school days have always had a tailender rollnumber no matter if you short the names by first names or surnames imaintain my position :)) And after 55 min of wait mera number aaya andsuddenly the photographer's cell buzzed and he went out with his cell :( for almost 10 minutes i was standing there looking at the lights for some time and then at the walls and contemplating on how all this trouble that i have endured for just a pic of gonna add value to me or any wud be managers ;)


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