Friday, May 04, 2007

yunhi..bas..kuch aise!

yunhi bas kuch aise dhadkan chalti hai
iik khwaab sang, har shaam dhalti hai

khaafa hai kuch ab aarzu bhi humse
bewajeh najaane kyun ghumsum rehti hai

soochta hun reh rehkar ke kahen tumse
kya pata kis band lifafe mein likh uthati hai

suna hai ke waqt hai marham hamara
hamesha fir kyun ye kada imtehaan leti hai

jakade hai kai sakht uljhi janjeer humko
kehde koi ke kal hamari rehaii hoti hai

lagata ke lo tayyaar hai jab bhi humko
chupke se ye koi naya rang bharti hai

yunhi bas kuch aise dhadkan chalti hai
iik khwaab sang, har subah khilti hai

...who else would write crap like that :) ...ofcourse ME!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Unfair Advantage - random and over usage not fair!!

Infact it has become an abuse now! As if all they want out of Life is just an Unfair Advantage! Only time seperates us from that would-be-era when even 'death' would be termed as taking 'unfair advantage'! (if you feel that's ridiculous then you are not thinking in corporate terms you ethical moron! for a hint think like wally does...)

Okay! You have no clue what i am talking about? :) Well here it is...

Our thought leader once made a much thoughtout statement on our sourcing strategy. He added that by our immaculate sourcing and training we have a huge pool of super human employees and thats why at any business deals we pitch in we have an "Unfair Advantage!" over others. Bingo! there you go the managers caught the phrase and hooked on to it. What started was a frenzy of consumption and depletion of the phrase. So whenever you want to overemphasize a point or two, what you got to do is simple, just add the phrase "unfair advantage" to it. So one keeps hearing things like:

  • Lets take unfair advantage of the situation
  • Lets transform this into an unfair advantage for us
  • Thats why we have an unfair advantage in this

etc. etc. So whenever you mean something very close to 'having an edge', 'strength', 'a positive thing in favor' you say 'unfair advantage'. Even this was bearable but now a few have started going overboard and using the same as punctuation marks in all their office talks! I mean the ones like:

  • Gosh! the traffic was a killer today just because people were taking unfair advantage!
  • Kids these days are smart taking unfair advantage of parents!
  • etc etc

Waise on second thought (i always enjoy the second thoughts more :D ofcourse till i dont get the third one :P) 'unfair advantage' usage is not just corporeal it is also very much philosophical and spiritual. We all say and hear that life is 'unfair'. So why not take advantage of this grand truth of every beings very existence! That way we check mate life/existence by beating it in its very own game of being unfair.

Some very basic suggestions for the same are:

1. Wake up

2. Work with not against others

3. Think with your head not your feelings

4. Count your blessings, not your grievances

5. Choose preferences, not demands

Message of the Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) on the same: "When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions.Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time."

P.S. If you are reading this i guess i have managed to take unfair advantage of your time :)

P.P.S. If you denied reading till the line above then you just took unfair advantage of the setup where i have no means to know the truth! In any case you do see the potential of the phrase..dont you?? :D

Thursday, April 12, 2007

"CAM" ya fir "CRAP"

Before i start... imagine this:
>Me(to my Boss): I have developed an elaborate, multidimensional, end-2-end, multifaceted, Business Intelligence decision Model for outsourcing
>Boss:Umm.. Sounds interesting! So whats the final output of the Model like?
>Me: it's cutting edge CRAP!!

or this :
>Me(to customer): Lets us use our End-2-End Outsourcing Business Intelligence Decision Model and checkout your outsourcing needs and recommendations.
>Customer: That would be great! Let me use it (And he feeds a few inputs to the model and Whoosh.. comes the Gospel of truth himself)
>Me: There it is!
>Customer: Its all crap!!
>Me: Exactly state of art CRAP it is!

Now if you thought those are fake, cooked up scenarios, then you are mistaken my friend! It actually is a very realistic scenario for which we are working at. We have been working on a decision model for sometime now. But were just not able to break the shackles of all the existing Me-Too models thrown at us in dozens. The common flaw they all had was that they were unilateral, one dimensional. We finally did manage to get a framework in place which 'attempts'(thats the Keyword here :D) to give a breakthrough. But in todays world of Kotler
just having a novel Model doesn't work, one needs to garnish and sugar coat it.. market it and market it well!

Thus began the search to put it comphrehensively on a single page and give it a real chic look. Our artistic flair comes in handy at this. The process goes like this..
Step one: To comeup with a nice looking modular, sectional, co-axial, aligned, cross attributed graphical representation.
Step two: Wysiwyg labeling and nomenclature so the sections get christened like, 'cross assessment', 'capability assessment', 'competitive assessment' etc.
Step three: To name the model, a model that would provide recommendation to the customers for their requirements! What should the client say when he gets to see the output? He should say, "hey, i 'C'annot 'A'gree 'M'ore!" right? So there it is we call it the 'CAM' Model :) Now its easier comeup with a managerial fullform for the same there were many but i choose, 'Cross Analysis Matrix' Model because my graphical representation looks so.
Step four: To check that we didnt left out on any thing. And this is very important step! I realised that i haven't labelled the final outcome section!! Then comes the top most realization that the model is still in an 'attempting' phase so the output might turn out to be useless... a total 'crap'. And bingo there it is again, we call this final section 'CRAP' (to acknowledge the mighty all prevailing truth) Again think think and think for a managerial fullform and we choose 'Capability vs Requirement Analysis Projection'.
Step five: To make life of other lesser mortals a bit easier in comprehending the model, however useless the model maybe. So prepare a HowTo for the model.

Thats it! So now time shall tell whether the 'CAM' part is true or the 'CRAP' part :) (btw on second thoughts isnt my model well balanced in that sense :D) For now i am working on the 'HowTo' part.

P.S. for indepth gyaan on how to make a Model contact me in person.
P.P.S. creativity rules! and it kills once you have a tag called MBA :D

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Summer of 69 (+38)

That's one of my favorites of Bryan Adams... and i am going to use it here for comparison with me! (they say dream big then comparisons should also be bigger naa :D)

Bryan:I got my first real six-string; Bought it at the five-and-dime; Played 'til my fingers bled; It was summer of '69

Me:I got my first real 61 keys (Yamaha PSR keyboard); Bought it and my nose bled (whopping 16K... courtesy Tomato for 2K [well tomato 'Courtesy' that's all u get better forget the 2k!]); Played things that worth much less than dime (you thought 16K! hmm.. must have had some initial exposure with it. well its absolutely zilch... but i m learning :P); And yeah it is Summer of 69 (+38)

So that's Me, who one can say suffers from compulsive disorder at times! Ended up spending almost all of my first stipend on a Keyboard of which i have absolutely no know how. All i did that was nearest to playing instrument was to tap n bang my hands n fingers on whatever i could chance upon. That's it?? Yeah that's it!!

But its fun going with what you feel like doing (listening to the romanticist within you) than whats an act of pragmatic wisdom (the incessant compulsive reasoning analyst within) And i am happy that for once i acted that way because however worse player one maybe there is some music within. It may kill the guy next door :D but soothes oneself. They obviously do have effect on anyone as each of the seven frequencies are related to body chakras.

After effects of my act:
1) I have a X factor in my room
2) I can resonate different frequencies at will (what you called it playing an instrument, how inane! :))
3) I can obviously bless anybody with death-by-music
4) importantly- I know a few things about music and can read a sheet music notes
5) most importantly - I have a new thing to learn in life

P.S. Come to think of it point 5 is so very important!!
P.P.S. I am a good learner for proof come to my death-by-music-cell my room :D

Friday, March 16, 2007

The S.O.A.P Principle of new age competition

The traditional Business principles were to differentiate, compete, think globally and innovate. To do things right, focus on customers and have a great management with all its complexities and hierarchies. But the new WMC wave is proving those traditional thoughts as a passe now. The new age business should run on 4 important principles fuelled by which it is making deep impact and threatening to change the entire structure and modus operandi of the corporations and economy. I term it as the S.O.A.P principle maybe because i come from that IT background :) These competitive principles are:
1) Sharing
2) Openness
3) Act Globally
4) Peering

Sharing is what copyleft is and copyright isn't. Its the opposite of vaulting and treasuring information and knowledge and let it feed and grow on other minds available outside. Today sharing is not just restricted to intellectual property but has extended to bandwidth, processing power etc. too which in true sense is what we can call utilisation for overall social welfare.

Openness here talks about transparency, freedom, flexibility, access etc. in a much more broader and true sense than the ones prevalent in today's organisation when one says that "we are an open organization!" / "We have an open door policy / culture.." A basic underlying distinction between the two is the power to self-organize (the seed of disruptive creativity) and undeterred thought exchange. Infact even the traditional firms have been compelled to take a few steps towards this openness by opening up to their value chain partners atleast for supply chain efficiencies.

Act globally (not just think!) is what Friedman brings out in his book. 'The World is Flat'. Monitor international happenings and changes, source all your resources globally, manage assets across cultures and boundaries.

Peering here means a community of equals and breaks the hard coded tenet of hierarchies. Peering means giving each and everyone a common platform. It is difficult to imagine a firm without any hierarchy, hierarchy has become synonymous with order! We create hierarchies and then the management gurus sit and ponder how to get people equally involved, creative and to contribute productively. The Gurus then give management styles that would then foster participation within existing hierarchies whereas hierarchies inherently deter the same. Peering is pure play participation, participation for various reasons like fun, challenge, altruism. Peering might need a structure but its not command-control hierarchy.

So the question a firm should ask itself today is, "Are we using the S.O.A.P daily?" :)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Worm's Eye View

Read a document at MIT's website in the morning it had a Sr. Executive of World Bank describing their illusionary yet evolutionary (or may be in the reverse order) efforts for human welfare. He remarked that when they started off with the welfare thing they thought 'education' for all was the right answer to bring that much needed growth at the bottom of the pyramid... then they pondered upon exploding population vs much lagging capacity so then they focused on 'population control'... then they queried that government policies hinder growth and they pumped 'loan' money into their economy... then when they found that governments cant repay them they then introduced a policy of 'Loan amnesty'!

It rightly went on to point out that the approach till now has had a skewed point of view at the bottom. It looked at poverty in a top-down way symbolic to a bird’s eye view dealing with the lives of worms as if the poor is a target, not a resource. They felt that better life is something that needs to be provided to the people down there. All the time they forgot that traditionally wealthy societies were built bottoms up by empowerment from below. It occurred when the poor started contributing to the economy and thus earning their righteous meal.

So the approach should actually be a Worm's eye view. It said instead of seeing billion mouths to feed, better think what can be done to make those billion brains to think for themselves, those billion eyes and ears to keep watch on governments, those billion hands and legs to move things!!

And if we put that in the perspective of my earlier post on WMC that's exactly whats happening billion beings at work... participating in a horizontal collective economy!!