Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Summer of 69 (+38)

That's one of my favorites of Bryan Adams... and i am going to use it here for comparison with me! (they say dream big then comparisons should also be bigger naa :D)

Bryan:I got my first real six-string; Bought it at the five-and-dime; Played 'til my fingers bled; It was summer of '69

Me:I got my first real 61 keys (Yamaha PSR keyboard); Bought it and my nose bled (whopping 16K... courtesy Tomato for 2K [well tomato 'Courtesy' that's all u get better forget the 2k!]); Played things that worth much less than dime (you thought 16K! hmm.. must have had some initial exposure with it. well its absolutely zilch... but i m learning :P); And yeah it is Summer of 69 (+38)

So that's Me, who one can say suffers from compulsive disorder at times! Ended up spending almost all of my first stipend on a Keyboard of which i have absolutely no know how. All i did that was nearest to playing instrument was to tap n bang my hands n fingers on whatever i could chance upon. That's it?? Yeah that's it!!

But its fun going with what you feel like doing (listening to the romanticist within you) than whats an act of pragmatic wisdom (the incessant compulsive reasoning analyst within) And i am happy that for once i acted that way because however worse player one maybe there is some music within. It may kill the guy next door :D but soothes oneself. They obviously do have effect on anyone as each of the seven frequencies are related to body chakras.

After effects of my act:
1) I have a X factor in my room
2) I can resonate different frequencies at will (what you called it playing an instrument, how inane! :))
3) I can obviously bless anybody with death-by-music
4) importantly- I know a few things about music and can read a sheet music notes
5) most importantly - I have a new thing to learn in life

P.S. Come to think of it point 5 is so very important!!
P.P.S. I am a good learner for proof come to my death-by-music-cell my room :D

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