Thursday, April 12, 2007

"CAM" ya fir "CRAP"

Before i start... imagine this:
>Me(to my Boss): I have developed an elaborate, multidimensional, end-2-end, multifaceted, Business Intelligence decision Model for outsourcing
>Boss:Umm.. Sounds interesting! So whats the final output of the Model like?
>Me: it's cutting edge CRAP!!

or this :
>Me(to customer): Lets us use our End-2-End Outsourcing Business Intelligence Decision Model and checkout your outsourcing needs and recommendations.
>Customer: That would be great! Let me use it (And he feeds a few inputs to the model and Whoosh.. comes the Gospel of truth himself)
>Me: There it is!
>Customer: Its all crap!!
>Me: Exactly state of art CRAP it is!

Now if you thought those are fake, cooked up scenarios, then you are mistaken my friend! It actually is a very realistic scenario for which we are working at. We have been working on a decision model for sometime now. But were just not able to break the shackles of all the existing Me-Too models thrown at us in dozens. The common flaw they all had was that they were unilateral, one dimensional. We finally did manage to get a framework in place which 'attempts'(thats the Keyword here :D) to give a breakthrough. But in todays world of Kotler
just having a novel Model doesn't work, one needs to garnish and sugar coat it.. market it and market it well!

Thus began the search to put it comphrehensively on a single page and give it a real chic look. Our artistic flair comes in handy at this. The process goes like this..
Step one: To comeup with a nice looking modular, sectional, co-axial, aligned, cross attributed graphical representation.
Step two: Wysiwyg labeling and nomenclature so the sections get christened like, 'cross assessment', 'capability assessment', 'competitive assessment' etc.
Step three: To name the model, a model that would provide recommendation to the customers for their requirements! What should the client say when he gets to see the output? He should say, "hey, i 'C'annot 'A'gree 'M'ore!" right? So there it is we call it the 'CAM' Model :) Now its easier comeup with a managerial fullform for the same there were many but i choose, 'Cross Analysis Matrix' Model because my graphical representation looks so.
Step four: To check that we didnt left out on any thing. And this is very important step! I realised that i haven't labelled the final outcome section!! Then comes the top most realization that the model is still in an 'attempting' phase so the output might turn out to be useless... a total 'crap'. And bingo there it is again, we call this final section 'CRAP' (to acknowledge the mighty all prevailing truth) Again think think and think for a managerial fullform and we choose 'Capability vs Requirement Analysis Projection'.
Step five: To make life of other lesser mortals a bit easier in comprehending the model, however useless the model maybe. So prepare a HowTo for the model.

Thats it! So now time shall tell whether the 'CAM' part is true or the 'CRAP' part :) (btw on second thoughts isnt my model well balanced in that sense :D) For now i am working on the 'HowTo' part.

P.S. for indepth gyaan on how to make a Model contact me in person.
P.P.S. creativity rules! and it kills once you have a tag called MBA :D


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