Sunday, July 24, 2005


Well we had our MANDI exercise today. It started from 10 in the morning and ended at 12:00 in the night. It was a direct selling exercise and i covered entire south mumbai giving demo to people af all caste & creed no matter to which strata of the society they belong... and i just enjoyed talking to ppl... connected with many of them... sales ho ya na ho baat karne mein mazaa aaya... in the end our group made a sales of 8200 Rs... and we have got a few prospective orders too :)
There was a huge coverage on Sahara channel today also there is 5 min coverage of this in CNBC hindi (AWAAZ) tomorrow at 8 am...also in many newspapers like asian age and all...IT WAS FUN!!Chaloo tired like a pig after wandering for almost 13 hours ...shall go to bed...

1 comment:

nitieprasad said...

it is nice to see your blog on mandi. this year mandi is on 1 aug 2009. try to post once again your understanding of mandi.. after so much time. I wish to have your post. Dr Mandi ( Dr.Prasad, nitie)