Thursday, February 22, 2007

Turtles can Fly

The movie i recently saw (ofcourse on my lappy... its been more than a month that i have watched a movie on Big purdah) was one of those good movies that touches and etches somewhere deep inside and leaves you silent for quite sometime. A kurdish movie with english subtitles. The movie revolves around the lives of kurd refugees just before America is contemplating to invade Iraq (saddam). The refugees who dont have any say whatsoever in the war but to wait and watch for others opinion on which there life depends (only thr life ofcourse coz they dont have anything much that belongs to them) Their only aim and prime goal is to save the lifeforce within and keep dodging death!

"Satellite..Satellite..", people scream for the central character in the movie. Two things of this character that catches the eye are his name and his bicycle. A lanky boy with a strong voice, he is the leader of all the orphans and organizes them for daily work and wages. Their daily work primarily involves disarming leftover mines by hand and selling it to nearby arms dealer. The scene where the 'boy with no arms' (another prominent character but with no name, who lost his hands in a blast accident while disarming one of those mines) disarms a mine with his mouth is one of the pinch scenes. The boy with no arms has a sister named Agrin, a beautiful girl for whom industrious Satellite falls for. Agrin is a rape victim of iraqi soldiers, bears a child called Risa when she herself is a kid. Risa entices with his innocent laf and voice. The boy with no arm loves Risa but Agrin hates him for the memories he reminds her. Agrin makes a few attempts to get rid of him and finally there comes a scene which just strangled me for a while... she ties a big stone to risa and puts it in a deep pond!!

The movie ends with Americans toppling the Iraqi government and hence the temporary end of war. In all this play of seriousness and melancholy there are a few lighter moments to the movie. Like the one where one member from each family stands out there on a hill and there family members keep yelling, "slight left... slight right" then the one where elders ask Satellite to shuffle and find a news channel (bypassing the prohibited ones) and translate english for them etc.

what i still fail to understand is the movie title "Turtles can fly"... if anybody has any clue please enlighten me. I would strongly recommend the movie to all who like real life potrayal of people.

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