Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Evolution of Jimbala

"Neothink, buzzAd, redtomato, GoBingo, filamentus, chaipaani, Tomrecall, Branddead, Adpulse, greysell, there4IM, Adwise, Admire, Admormal, ADminister, ADwokate, adwokay, totalbulbs, adventure, adscapist, adscape, agoondo, adrex, jimbala, loosebulb, adwise, adwiser, adicing, icingsugar, potluck, adsizeXL, adnormal, loosegun, GoBanana" (20 more such words were there which i have screened off coz they were more cuppish than kitchenish... for more on 'cup n kitchen' visit the 'wise n otherwise' blog... which is still under construction though :P)

Wondering whats all this eh!? :) well those are the weird but sweet fruits that we bore in flat 30 min brainstorming for a name (sorry cant reveal the purpose for the name yet! but smart people who know us can take a intelligent guess at it ;)) we (Tomato n myself) did in our cubicle. The top 4 we filtered were
1) TotalBulbs
2) there4IM
3) GoBingo
4) Jimbala
as these were the ones which had the highest amount of 'hatke' factor to them the rest had their roots in something or other we could think of!! Can you guess the winner amongst the final 4? If yes you shall get the honor of featuring in one of my upcoming posts! :P

P.S. Use "jimbala" instead of "Apunbola" in the song "Apunbola tu meri lailaa.." and sing... its an absolute GoBingo thing and yes TotalBulbs there4IM :)
P.P.S. Can you use all the words (mentioned in quotes at the beginning together in a paragraph? :)

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