Thursday, February 22, 2007


Today even a small IT startup might call themselves an E2E (End-2-End) service providers.. so one can imagine the extent of E2E the biggies might be talking of.. infact for them i guess its, Eternity-2-Eternity now :) So in this era of our IT finnesse, maturity and high end capability its very hard for me to believe that an employee of one of these biggies has to wait for 10+ days for his login id and is still waiting!

The entire sequence has been very funny out here. After 2 odd (yeah i know 2 is an even number) days the infra team says that the HR hasnt told them anything about us. The HR female, dumb of the species (wait ladies dont draw your guns and start shooting. I am not being sexist here, what i mean is the entire HR department and this particular female in specific. Infact I doubt whether she does anything more than getting various paper formalities done by new joinees and then utter politely with a big grin, "Welcome to the human poultry farm") says she thought my manager would intiate that.. Whoaa.. and who is my manager maam!? Do i get to choose one myself!!?? Okay so w catch the senior HR, dude this time, he says, oh okay so you people need a login too.. hmm.. okay i'll try "initiating" that! (we were totally unaware of what that innocent 'initiating' meant at that time)

Two more days whoosh by and daily I keeping paying my deep homage to the HRs of the world. Then the dude cutting a sorry figure says, eh actually i am unable to 'initiate' the process (i reda that as, these infra people have barred me out of it all... i swear next time i would allot a boss rather than 'initiating' it myself) may be you should ask your boss to do something for this. Fortunately i had a boss by now so i knew who..

Boss, with a smile, Hmm.. okay so you people still dont have it! (as if that was our winter project and we have utterly disgusted him with our failure!) So he also 'initiates' it and a couple of more days pass by. And by this time I keep paying my deep gratitude and reverence to all of them!
Then one day when I again enquire (read beg) the Boss regarding my login he too cuts a sorry figure... Oh yeah actually i tried 'initiating' but theres some problem in between. (in short, I am helpless too these infra people have not even spared me :() But well i will email people sitting in chennai for help in this regards and I m leaving for UK today.. meet you after 4 days!!

So thats it.. the HRs are enjoying themselves with other new joinees and interviews.. the Boss is busy entertaining clients in UK and I am still banned from any access. I ofcourse have stopped visiting people for login ID now. To add salt to the wounds.. its not that since I didnt had my login i was having a free ride at office... I was made to work like a dog for first 7 days :(

1 comment:

Harsha said...

ur problem is 'too much HR'!! while here my problem is- 'is there a HR?'

btw- i hav not met a single HR since i have joined (a week). enjoi maadi!